Thursday, December 1, 2011

Xul Solar

Oscar Agustin Alejandro Schulz Solari 

Argentinean expressionist and symbolist painter, sculptor, writer, and
creator of imaginary languages.
He was born in 1887, in San Fernando, Buenos Aires Province, and died in
1963, in Tigre, Buenos Aires.
     In 1916 he began to sign his artwork as Xul Solar, ( Χul is the anagram of
Lux which combined with Solar can be read as "the intensity of sun").
     Xul Solar invented two imaginary languages, fully elaborated, and ,often
he was using the symbols of them in his paintings. One of those languages,
by the name Neo Criollo, was a poetic combination of Portuguese and Spanish.
For the other language, the Panlingua, he had the aspiration about it to become a global  language which
would connect mathematics, music, astrology, and virtual arts.
    He said:
    "I am a world champion of a game that nobody yet knows, called Panchess (Panajedrez). I am master
of a script that nobody yet reads. I am creator of a technique, of a musical grafia that allows the piano to
be studied in a third of the usual time it takes today. I am director of a theatre that as yet not begun working.
I am creator of a universal language called Panlingua based on numbers and astrology that will help people
know each other better. I am creator of twelve painting techniques, some of them surrealist, and others that
transpose a sensory, emotional world on to canvas, and that will produce in those that listen a Chopin suite,
a Wagnerian prelude, or a stanza sung by Beniamino Gigli. I am the creator, and this is what most interests
me at the moment , of a language that is desperately needed by Latin America."

                   Εnjoy the poetry and dream or...the emotional world on to canvas...

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