Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year

 2015 last sunset, 2016 first morning.

Monday, October 19, 2015

artists in crisis

George Grosz

George Grosz wrote in his autobiography: "Modern art is a kind of merchandise just like a soap, a towel or a brush that to be sold need clever advertising and the artist has turned into a laborer in the production chain that makes products for stores to display them in their shop windows and which should be updated as soon as possible. No time to develop his skills, has ceased to be his own master, he has passed into the sphere of public property and receives orders from public figures, whether from merchants or workers' councils. For them it's like he is a shoemaker who must provide every Tom, Dick and Harry with boots or slippers according to the order."

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Berlin 70 years after

    8 May 1945 - 70 Years End of World War II

    The Topography of Terror
    An outdoor and indoor history museum on the site of buildings which during the Nazi regime from
    1933 to 1945 were the headquarters of the Gestapo and the SS, the principal instruments of
    repression during the Nazi era.

    The Topography of Terror

    Index cards of former SS members

    Indelible marks

    Berlin Wall 1961 - 1989

    Berlin Wall 1961 - 1989

    Neue Wache

    Käthe Kollwitz, Pietà, 1937-38/39

    Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism

    Gaunt face - dead eyes - cold lips - quiet - a broken heart - out of breath - without words - no tears
    Poem by Santino Spinelli (Italian Roma Poet)

    Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

    Memorial for victims of the “euthanasia” program

    Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

    Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

    Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

    Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

Sunday, January 4, 2015